Student ethnographic film festival

Student ethnographic film festival

As part of an ongoing project on visual methodologies, we present videos from students and researchers at Leuphana University exploring film and art as research methods. Introduction by Justin Malachowski, postdoctoral scholar for the Institute of Sociology and Cultural Organization at Leuphana University.

Student ethnographic film festival

Part 1: The Way We Live

The emotional intensity of a new tattoo, the suspense of waiting for a train, and the stress experienced by university studies are just a few of the alluring topics in this series of student made ethnographic films. At around 10 minutes each, these 6 films offer enticing windows into the pedestrian rituals and occasional eventfulness of life in and around Lüneburg. Some deal with struggles often unnoticed but always present. Others offer glimpses into experiences seldom considered. Each invites us to take a pause and reflect upon the many facets of the community, city, and people we encounter every day.

Student Films:

  • How Do You Escape Your Daily Stress“ by Maurits Heisler
  • The Museum Visitors” by Sientje Krah
  • Waiting” by Jonah Vogl
  • Tattoo Tales” by Lovis Hoffmann, Anna Zoe, Neumann Rike Jepsen
  • Everyday Life” by Wilma Svanja Quec
  • Text me when you get home” by Greta Gerdes
Student ethnographic film festival

Part 2: Mapping in Transdisciplinary Contexts – The Leuphana Codex by ­Jazael Olguin Zapata

Jazael Olguin Zapata is a Mexico City ­based artist. In November 2023, he ­artistically documented the workshop Organization as Medium of Contem­porary Art. The Leuphana Codex” is a visual mapping of the presentations, discussions and spatial arrangements of the event hosted by the Leuphana Innovation Community Arts & Culture. The drawings highlight the potential of mapping as an artistic and research method.

Produced by the The Leuphana Media Studio (Ivo Riemann, Daniel Awisus, Julian Boxriker)
Presented by Robin Kuchar

Free admission / Eintritt frei!